
The Dreaming Eye

The Dreaming Eye: Discount Wolfheads & a New Old Spellbook

Issue #6

The Dreaming Eye

Hi, this is the new Dreaming Eye, the Lost Pages newsletter.

This issue is going to be a bit different: I'm going to try something new: Lost Pages news plus cool and weird things.

Like back on g+? Maybe! I hope you like it.

Let's begin!

Wulfwald at the Bundle of Holding

​Wulfwald is available at the Bundle of Holding for the very small price of $5.95. That's a 55% discount, and gets you the PDF of all five handbooks plus the Russ Nicholson map.

Feel free to share the link:​

Pergamino Barocco Revised

Roger's Pergamino Barocco, back in 2012, was the first Lost Pages title (issue one). It's a little weird spellbook in concertina format. And the magic inside, rather than the dryly written spells we sometimes see, is floridly written sorceries. Each write-up is usually a couple of pages, and illustrated with an illustration from old alchemical and esoterica books.

For example, have a look at The Pre-Lapsarian Pavilion of Mundjogo:

It has been unavailable for a decade, because I stopped doing bookbinding work. But we are bringing it back, in glorious hardcover! Roger of Roles, Rules & Rolls is renovating the spells, I'm doing editing and development, and we are also working on new content.

We'll announce the Kickstarted campaign soon.

(There might be even a hidden extra book of qliphotic nature hidden somewhere)

πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘Double King πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘

Watch Double King, there is no time to explain.

(Felix Colgrave is a genius)

(Thanks to Jamie for the link)

From the Blogroll and Beyond

Tunes: Blind Guardian God Machine

​The God Machine, Blind Guardian's latest album is... exactly what you would expect from a Blind Guardian album: no big surprises, and unsurprisingly I love it. Also, the band is putting all of their releases for free on their YouTube channel. If this is your first rodeo and you enjoy the tunes, I also recommend Somewhere Far Beyond.

You have reached the end of the Dreaming Eye.

Till next time.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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